
Деламоде е добитник на наградата BIFA 2017, за ”Европска Логистика”

Delamode is pleased to announce that he is the winner of the BIFA Award 2017 awarded by the British International Trasporters Association. In its 28 y...

01. 01. 2017
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Деламод обезбеди хуманитарна помош и поддршка за Србија

In response to a request from the Serbian Embassy to help flood victims in Serbia, Delamode offices in Serbia and the UK jointly funded the transporta...

01. 04. 2016
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Деламоде Македонија зема учество на традиционалниот собир на Маккам транс и членките пред распределбата на Цемт дозволите

On September 26, 2015, at 11:00 am in Veles, Macedonia, Delamode Macedonia took part in the traditional meeting of Maccam Tran and members before the ...

09. 27. 2015
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